You’re gonna love Crosby … I do … he’s amazing!!!  He lives, very happily, with Glenn, a T1, and his wife Kim … and the grown kids when they are home for the holidays.  Here’s Crosby’s “tale.”

Crosby (aka Cord Eater) joined our family four years ago when found by neighbors. His holier-than-thou attitude has been on display ever since.

Whether he’s yelling at Glenn for more food or attempting to milk Kim, we always know who is in charge. His voracious appetite for ALL THINGS corded and foamy has cost our family and friends an almost endless expense in replacement phone chargers, shoe laces and computer cords.

A caveat for all guests is immediately shared. Along the lines of “buyer beware,” we constantly share “Crosby concerns” and shake our heads with incredulous dismay when a severed cord is shockingly presented. Sadly, we told you so. 

I’ve met Crosby … he is indeed “royal” and beautiful! A fabulous purring, ball of fur! And I’ve witnessed the chewed cord recently, as a T1 event!  Thank you Crosby for being “you!”



PLEASE, please, share your stories and photos of your T1 bestie, your pet!  Every Friday, I’ll be featuring you and your lovable fur or feathered friend!  I haven’t seen a story yet about a bird … or what? … but there’s always room and love for whomever shares your life and home!  Please send stories and photos to: … you and your pet will be famous!!!

Musician composes music to soothe cats was reported by Bill McKenna and filmed by Ian Druce for David Teie, a cellist for the National Symphony Orchestra, has studied what sounds cats prefer and composed music just for them.  BBC’s Jane O’Brien spoke to Teie at a Washington DC cat cafe.


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